#Heart (Hashtag Series Book 6)

#Heart (Hashtag Series Book 6)

B. Arab 1. ،تأخى المهاجرون و الأنصار

2. صارت بيوت المدينة بيوتًا للمهاجرين و الأنصار

3. . استقبل الأنصار المهاجرين استقبالا حارًّا

4. . " وقال النبيّ " إنما المؤمنون إخوة

5. . وبعد الهجرة ينتشر الإسلام انتِشارًا سريعًا

6. . و هم تشاركوا في الأموال و التجارة أيضا

susun kalimat tsb menjadi sebuah paragraf.

B. inggris Nisa : Look at this interesting article!
Hanan: Oh, baby elephants! They're so cute! But, where are their mothers?
Nisa : The article said that the hunters has took their mothers.
Hanan: How cruel they are. It is awful.
Nisa : Yeah, it is. Hanan: Are they the hunters?
Nisa : No. These men are elephant keepers.
Hanan: Hmmm. Elephant keeper. That's an interesting job.
Nisa : Yes, but it isn't easy. The keepers need to feed the baby elephants every three hours. The keepers even sleep in building with the baby elephants.


6. What is the article that Nisa reads tell about?
7. Where are the baby elephants' parents?
8. Who are the men in the article?
9. When does the elephant have their meal?
10. Where does the keepers sleep?